TradeLens is a highly secure data and document-sharing platform that simplifies and speeds your trade workflows.
We provide a set of powerful, digital supply-chain visibility, collaboration and analytics tools developed with support from carriers, customs, banks and inland transport providers.
We are committed to rapidly growing an ecosystem of authorities, agents and transport providers that are connecting digitally to expedite global trade.
Expedite container movements with accurate data and digital documents
Clear customs and deliver faster with digital documents and better data
Differetiate your offer with more reliable visibility data and digital documents
The data you need to accelerate your supply-chain business is available right now, for shipping containers that are in movement today.
When you join, you can bring your existing supply chain partners onto the platform with you, so you can leverage TradeLens insights and analytics right away.
Find out how the TradeLens data, tools and partner ecosystem can help transform your operations for digitally-interconnected world.
TradeLens is already handling billions of shipping events across the world's most important trade lanes, with the support of major carriers.
Get planned, estimated and actual milestones for your containers today, and secure digital document tools like the TradeLens eBL that makes the transfer and surrender of bills of lading as easy as clicking a button.
The global acceptance of eBL is in motion, how can MLETR and other legislative initiatives help?
We sat down with senior global trade experts, Diana Jones, Director of Solution Architecture, and Juanjo Ruiz, Strategy and Business Development at TradeLens to discuss the proliferation of electronic bills of lading (eBL) and the disruption of blockchain as an emerging technology with a substantial opportunity to support banks with unlocking a $3.4 trillion trade gap in the trade finance market. The following is a Q&A on these topics.
Bangladesh/Hong Kong – Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions (TTS) Asia Pacific has completed its first pilot paperless trade finance transaction using the TradeLens platform. Leveraging blockchain technology supplied by TradeLens, the pilot illustrates the effectiveness of the technology to improve supply chain efficiency by significantly reducing document processing lead times.